sister station

Here, two sisters stand alongside a dilapidated telephone booth in an abandoned factory powered by a distant windmill. The booth—by way of its weathered appearance and continued functionality—represents an enduring mutual sense/point of identity, connection and communication between the two women. The windmill symbolizes a shared landmark of identity as such a structure comprises a prominent historical feature of their home town (Steinbach, Manitoba). The “serial number” stencilled on the right door denotes the town's telephone exchange code and the birth years of each sibling with “1966” expressed as a squared exponent. The doors of the factory feature images of the two women as adolescents for added nostalgia. Finally, the field beneath a stormy prairie sky speaks to the rural locale of the sisters’ upbringing and describes a siblingship able to withstand all manner of adversity at any point in their lives: a nuance of confidence, stability, and security accentuated by the expression of serenity on their faces.

©1998-2024 Chris Pavlik // Force Ten Design.